Author Title
Cornwall Education Week Souvenir Handbook.
Corrigan, G. The Second World War.
Cotton, R.W. Barnstaple During the Great Civil War.
Couch T.Q. Journal of the Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society.
Couch, B. Life of Jonathan Couch.
Couch, J. History of Polperro.
Couch, R.C. Transactions of the Natural History and Antiquarian Society of Penzance, vol. I, 1845-50.
Couch, R.Q. A Statistical Investigation into the Mortality of Miners in the District of St. Just, and the Agricultural Population of St Buryan.
Courtney and Couch Cornish Glossary
Courtney, M.A. & Couch, T.Q. Glossary of Words in Use in Cornwall.
Courtney, W.P. The Parliamentary Representation of Cornwall to 1832
Coward, R.V. Sailors in Cages.
Coxe, W. Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, vol. I.
Craig, J. Aberdeen University Review, vol. XLIV, 4.
Darwin, C. On the Origin of Species.
Darwin, F. Life of Charles Darwin.
Davy, J. (Ed.) Memoirs of the Life of Humphry Davy.
Davy, J. (Ed.) The Collected Works of Sir Humphry Davy, Vol. I.
Derriman, J. Killigarth: Three Centuries of a Cornish Manor.
Desmond, A. and Moore, J. Darwin.
Dickens, C. Hard Times.
Drew, J. Life of Samuel Drew
Drew, J. The Life of Samuel Drew.
Du Maurier, D. Vanishing Cornwall: The Spirit and History of Cornwall.
Duffin, A. Faction and Faith.
Dugdale, B. Arthur James Balfour, vol. I & II.
Dundrow, M. Madron's Story.
Edwards, D. John Donne, Man of Flesh and Spirits.
Edwards, E.C. A History of West Cornwall Hospital, Penzance.
Eisenhower, D.D. Crusade in Europe.
Elder London.
Eliot, T.S. After Strange Gods: A Primer of Modern Heresy.
Eliot, T.S. Goethe as the Sage.
Eliot, T.S. Selected Essays. 3rd Edition.
Eliot, T.S. The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism.
Ellmann, R. James Joyce.
Ensor, R. England 1870-1914.
Ensor, R. England, 1870–1914.
Enys, S.L. Cornish Drolls.
Etheridge, J.W. The Life of Adam Clarke.
Evans, R. The Third Reich at War.
Fernandez-Armesto, F. Literary Review, February.
Fitzharris, L. BBC History Magazine.
Foot, M. and Highet, A. Isaac Foot.
Forster, M. Daphne de Maurier.
Freeman, C. Egypt, Greece and Rome.
Fuller, J.F.C. The Decisive Battles of the Western World, vol. 2.
Fuller, T. Fuller's Worthies.
Gardiner, H. History Today's Who's Who in British History.
Gardiner, H. History Today's Who's Who in British History.
George, D.L. War Memoirs of David Lloyd George.
George, K. An Gerlyver Meur.
George, K. Cornish Dictionary/
Glencross, R. Cornish Wills, 1569-1699.
Glencross, R.M. (Ed.) Calendar of Wills etc.
Gooch, G.P. Life of Lord Courtney.
Gould, S.J. Dinosaur in a Haystack.
Gould, S.J. Dinosaur in the Haystack.
Grey, Sir Edward Twenty-Five Years, 1892-1916.
Grierson, H. Metaphysical Lyrics and Poems.
Gutierrez, V.L. Sandoval or the Freemason.
Gutierrez, V.L. A Catechism of Spanish Grammar.
Gutierrez, V.L. Don Esteban or, Memoirs of a Spaniard Written by Himself.
Gutierrez, V.L. Memoirs of Ferdinand VII, King of the Spains.
Gutierrez, V.L. Representation of the sovrign Spanish people on the emancipation of all their colonies in various parts of the globe (published anon.).
Gutierrez, V.L. Sandoval or the Freemason.
Hain, E. Prisoners of War in France.
Hall, J. That Bloody Woman.
Hamilton, J. Faraday.
Hanks, ed. The Oxford Book of Names Companion.
Hardie, M. Bronte Territories: Cornwall and the Unexplored Maternal Legacy, 1760-1860.
Harpley, N.T. Arthur Quiller-Couch
Hart, B.H.L. The Other Side of the Hill.
Haslam, W. From Death into Life.
Haslam, W. Perran-zabuloe.
Hastings, M. All Hell Let Loose.
Hattersley, R. The Great Outsider.
Heffer, S. Staring at God. Britain in the Great War.
Henn, T.R. (Ed.) The Plays and Poems of J.M. Synge
Henty, G.A. The Young Buglers.
Hibbert, C. Cavaliers and Roundheads.
Hill, K. The Bronte Sisters and Sir Humphry Davy.
Hill, K. The Bronte Sisters and Sir Humphry Davy.
Hoffman, B. and Dukas, H. Albert Einstein, Creator and Rebel.
Hoffman, B. and Dukas, H. Einstein.
Hunt, R. Popular Romances of the West of England, 1st & 2nd
Hunt, R. Romances and Drolls of the West of England.
Huxley, L. Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley.
Ireland, S. Samuel, Picturesque Views on the Upper or Warwickshire Avon, From its Sources at Naseby to its Junction with the Severn at Tewkesbury: with Observations on the Public Buildings and Other Works of Art in its Vicinity.
Ireland, W.H. The Confession, and Additional Lies, of William-Henry Ireland, Containing the Particulars of His Fabrication of the Shakespeare Manuscripts; together with Anecdotes and Opinions of Many Distinguished Persons in the Literary, Political and Theatrical World
Jago, F. Glossary of the Cornish Dialect.
James, H. English Hours.
Jenkin, A.K.H. Cornwall and its People.
Jenkin, A.K.H. Mines and Miners of Cornwall, vol. 1.
Jenkins, E. The View from Downshire Hill, a Memoir.
Jenkins, R. Asquith.
Jenkins, R. Baldwin.
Jenkins, R. Churchill.
Jennings, H. Historical Notes on Madron, Morvah and Penzance.
Jewers, A.J. The Register of the Parish of St Columb Major, 1539-1780.